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LEAP-Agri - Euro-African partnership on research and innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture


The LEAP-Agri network is a project funded by the European program Horizon 2020 (2016-2021), constituting a national contribution to the implementation of the Roadmap of the Euro-African High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation(HLPD Roadmap) and contributing to the Joint Euro-African Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The LEAP-Agri network is a partnership of 33 organizations from ten European and associated countries and twelve African countries coordinated by the Agence Nationale de la Recherce(ANR), France. It is the result of joint work between the European Commission, member states, associated countries, and African countries.

The main objectives of ERA-NET LEAP-Agri are:

  • Preparation and implementation of a joint Euro-African Call for collaborative projects in research and innovation that will contribute to the coordination and increase of joint activities between R&I institutions, and the program-holding agencies of Europe, associated countries and African countries;
  • Carrying out other activities, including: identifying and testing innovative instruments for alignment and collaboration on research, innovation, capacity building and infrastructure development; communicating and disseminating the results of LEAP-Agri activities; defining a joint strategic research and innovation agenda for food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture; consulting and liaising with relevant stakeholder communities, including research, private sector, civil society organizations and governments in Europe and Africa.