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1350 Studentships doctoral degrees awarded on Call Individual 2019

The Foundation for Science and Technology today released the results of the Call for the Attribution of PhD Studentships 2019, under which 1350 Studentships will be awarded in all scientific areas, from among 3333 individual applications evaluated.

The Studentships now awarded are for the development of research and development work plans associated with obtaining a doctoral degree, through Doctoral Programs in Portuguese or foreign universities.

The applications were evaluated by 36 scientific panels that classified the applications and made the seriation in the panel. After this classification and seriation, the Scientific Coordination team of Call defined the cut-off lines in each panel, taking into account the respective demand and the scientific policy guidelines for Portugal in the European context ("Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Portugal - Perspectives for 2030").

As of today, the candidates have access to the comments that justify the classification assigned to their application and have up to 10 working days to, during a prior hearing of interested parties, present possible arguments to the evaluation panel.

Analysis of the results now released shows that:

  • 77% of the Studentships awarded relate to work plans carried out entirely in Portugal;
  • 18% refer to mixed Studentships , with work plans to be carried out partly abroad; and 
  • 5% refer to work plans carried out entirely abroad.

Women represented 59% of the selected candidates and men 41%. Of the candidates selected, 89% were of Portuguese nationality. In total, Studentships was attributed to candidates from 32 countries, including Portugal. Outstanding among the foreigners (11% of the total) were those of Brazilian (62 Studentships), Italian (26 Studentships), Iranian (10 Studentships) and Spanish (8 Studentships) nationalities.

The Studentships awarded in this Call are added to the nearly 250 Studentships awarded in FCT funded PhD Programs still running, as well as to Studentships awarded in other scopes, such as those of partnerships or specific programs.

The next Call for the award of doctoral grants Studentships will open in 2020. As with the last two Calls, the application period will run during the first quarter of the year, so that the results will be available before the start of the academic year.