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R&D investment reaches 2,987 million euros in 2019

Provisional results from the Survey on National Scientific and Technological Potential (IPCTN19) reveal that last year saw the highest ever investment in Research and Development (R&D) in Portugal. Total expenditure on R&D activities reached 2,987 million euros, 218 million euros more than in 2018, representing 1.41% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is the highest value ever for R&D investment in Portugal.

This increase in investment is particularly expressive in the corporate sector, which grew by 10% between 2018 and 2019, representing 0.74% of GDP in 2019. These data reinforce the corporate R&D growth trend, which is reflected in the growth of skilled employment in companies and the private sector's effort to keep up with scientific development and technological capacity installed in Portugal.

Higher education has also increased its R&D investment, growing by about 5 percent in 2019, also reaching a new high of €1,209 million.

Another important element for the characterization of the scientific and technological system is the number of researchers in the active population, which has also grown. In 2019 there are 10 researchers for every thousand active people while in 2018 there were 9.1 in every thousand active people, in 2017 there were 8.6 and in 2016 there were 8.

In total, 50,431 full-time equivalent (FTE) researchers were registered, 2,779 more than in 2018, reflecting a growth of 11,759 FTE researchers since 2015, or a 30% increase over the last 4 years. Higher Education includes 29,027 FTE researchers, representing 58% of the total, while companies include 19,283 FTE researchers, representing 38% of the total. The number of researchers in companies increased by 2,537 FTE, representing a 15% increase between 2018 and 2019.

In the State sector (where State Laboratories are included) there were 1,591 FTE researchers last year, 3% of the total.

Total human resources in research and development activities (researchers, technicians and other professionals) 12 people (FTE) per thousand active inhabitants.

The provisional results of IPCTN19 are published by the Directorate General of Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) based on methodologies internationally harmonized by EUROSTAT and OECD.









Chart: source MCTES