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New Diploma of Scientific Employment

The recent publication of a new legal regime for hiring doctorate holders(Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29) aims to stimulate scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge, promote the rejuvenation of institutions, and enhance the activities of scientific research, technological development, management and communication of science and technology (inscribed in the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 32/2016, of June 3).

With the publication of this diploma, the entities of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN) now have a new mechanism to stimulate the hiring of researchers with doctorates, with a view to their integration in the entities of the SCTN, as well as in its multiple partnerships and forms of collaboration with the economic and productive, social, or cultural fabric.

The employment contracts will thus become the normal mode of attachment for doctoral degree holders who carry out scientific activities within the scope of research projects and units, with the awarding of post-doctoral Studentships being reserved for post-doctoral advanced training activities, namely in the early stages after completion of the doctorate and in accordance with the terms of the Scientific Research Grant Holder Statute.

FCT has received several questions from the scientific community about the application of DL 57/2016, in particular about the transitional rule. Following these questions, and also the text "Stimulus to Scientific Employment - Concretion and Implementation Plan", authored by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education and available on the Government Portal, FCT publishes the answers to the main questions it has received.

The questions/answers now disclosed are organized according to the individual situation of the researchers, in order to better respond to the requests received by FCT. This information does not replace the consultation of DL 57/2016, which is now the legal regime that governs the hiring of doctorate holders within the scope of the stimulus for scientific employment. The list of questions/answers will be updated as new issues arise.

FAQ page - Stimulus for Scientific Employment (updated 31.10.2016)

For further clarifications, please contact FCT at