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Research Grant Holder Ombudsman with updated site

The new site of the Research Grant Holder Ombudsman is now available. The new site offers a biography and a message from the Ombudsman, José J.G. Moura, Full Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon (FCT NOVA), who succeeded Arsélio Pato de Carvalho in the position of the Research Grant Holder Ombudsman.

José J.G. Moura conciliates teaching with research. He is Head of Research of the Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory of DQ/UCIBIO/REQUIMTE and Director of the Caparica Campus Library since 1996, where he coordinates artistic, cultural and scientific projects. He has more than 400 published articles and a wide experience in the post-graduation area, having oriented 30 PhD students.

The Research Grant Holder Ombudsman is a mediation figure whose function is to defend and promote, without decision-making power, the rights and legitimate interests of research grant holders, within the scope of the application of the Research Grant Holder Statute.

To contact the grantee ombudsman , those interested should visit, or write to