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Clarification Sessions on Call of Projects 2017

The Foundation for Science and Technology, the COMPETE 2020 Program and the Regional Operational Programmes are organizing a series of sessions on Call of R&TD IC Projects in all Scientific Domains 2017. The sessions aim to clarify the scientific community about the application process, complementing the available documentation, and are open to all researchers and project managers from public and private institutions who wish to participate in this Call, which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

These meetings will be attended by members of the FCT Board of Directors, members of the FCT Programs and Projects Department and members of the Operational Programs. See below the program of sessions and register.

Other sessions may be held in the future, which will be announced at this same location.

Sessions held:

COIMBRA: March 29th | 9h30 - 11h30 | University of Coimbra Auditorium, Rua Larga - Polo I.

PORTO: March 29th | 14h30 - 16h00 | 16h30 - 18h00 | Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, Salão Nobre.

LISBON: March 31st | 15h00 - 17h00 | LNEC Auditorium. Session transmitted by streaming.

ÉVORA: April 4th | 9h30 - 11h30 | Auditorium of Colégio do Espirito Santo, University of Évora. Session transmitted by streaming.

FARO: April 4th 15h - 17h | Green Auditorium, Gambelas Campus, University of Algarve Session transmitted by streaming.

AVEIRO: April 6 | 9h30 - 11h30 |Auditorium of the Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro. 

BRAGA: April 6th | 15h30 - 17h30 |, Campus of Gualtar, University of Minho Auditorium A1Campus of Gualtar, University of Minho.

COVILHÃ: April 7th | 10h30 - 12h30 | Yellow Amphitheater of the Faculty of Health Science of the University of Beira Interior.

PONTA DELGADA: May 3 | 14h30 - 16h30 | Amphitheater IX of the School of Health - Campo Universitário de Ponta Delgada 

FUNCHAL: May 10 | 11am - 1pm | University of Madeira | Senado Room, piso -2 | University Campus at Penteada, Caminho da Penteada | Video